Utilization Review Coordinator
Community Medical Center, Inc.-Falls City, Nebraska is hiring a Utilization Review Coordinator

Community Medical Center, Falls City, NE is hiring a full time Utilization Review Coordinator. The position provides oversight for the Utilization Review of all admissions; inpatient, outpatient, swing bed and observation into Community Medical Center including developing and reviewing the annual Utilization Plan. Serves as a data resource for performance improvement for quality management in the facility to identify, coordinate, communicate, and utilize data to its most efficient and intended purpose. Provides education to hospital staff and practitioners on issues related to utilization management. Ensure that patient care moves through the continuum in a timely and efficient manner. Qualifications include a nursing license with the ability to practice in Nebraska, knowledge of Medicare, Medicaid, and general insurance criteria. Ability to effectively organize job responsibilities with demonstrated ability to follow through to completion. Experience with Utilization Case work preferred. If interested, we encourage you to apply.
Please remember to fill out everything completely and it is especially important to have the correct contact information for your references. While we realize people can/do change phone numbers, it is best practices to contact your references anytime you are adding them to an application.