Health Exchange Information


Technology Advances

As technology advances in healthcare, there will be an increasing emphasis on the ability for hospitals and clinics to share patient information electronically.

Community Medical Center is committed to easing patient burden on repeating health histories, medications or other pertinent health information. As part of this initiative, the state of Nebraska has started a state-wide, internet-based health information exchange, the Nebraska Health Information Initiative or NeHII. Community Medical Center participates with NeHII to ensure safe patient care.

Health Information

NeHII is an infrastructure designed for healthcare providers to quickly find health information about you from other participating providers across the state. This information helps physicians treat you with safety and ease during your visit. An example of this may be when you are referred to a specialist from Falls City to Omaha/Lincoln. If both providers are participating in NeHII, the specialist in Omaha/Lincoln would have the capability to quickly find your lab results, x-rays, diagnostic tests, and other pertinent health information to improve your care during your visit. A full list of Nebraska participating providers can be found here.

Participating in the health information exchange is free. If you wish to opt out of this health exchange or would like more information, please click here. All personal health information is stored safely and only accessed by healthcare providers when it is pertinent to increasing the quality of your care.